I let a week go by. Got caught up with the holidays and my new toy, yes I was surprised with an iPad. For those who know me, especially my students, I know what you're saying; he can barely answer a cell phone. Well you'll see. I'll make this beautiful thing work. But I won't read any books with it. Anyway here are some sketchbook pages. Should have another painting up soon.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Chester Shat a Kidney
When I do a drawing I like to create a digitally colored version as an exercise and to see how it might look as an illustration. Sometimes it makes the drawing cooler and sometimes not.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
It's Done
This is it. Been working on this for quite some time. It's the largest painting I've done in awhile and was a blast to paint. One of those that to which I just kept adding. Man I love that I get to do this.
"Bomb Salvage" ( I think this will be the title)
"Bomb Salvage" ( I think this will be the title)
Sunday, December 11, 2011
A new painting on copper. This is not the big one coming. Just another started and now finished.
"I Can Hear Better Now"
"I Can Hear Better Now"
Monday, December 5, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Sketch gra la
Just to keep you here until the paintings are finished. I have started working on them again. I barely made it through Thanksgiving with my life.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
If You Remove the Glasses the Demons Will Fade
I have not been able to sit at my table and paint. Creeping cruds with fever. But I could do short bouts reclining and drawing. Yeah even when I am at death's door I have to work. It's just so much fun. So anyway which do you prefer the original, top, or with slight value changes, bottom. Randy I promise I'll get back to your painting as soon as I can sit up for more than 5 minutes at a time.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Illustrators 54 Accepted
This was also selected for Illustrators 54. My first selection in the book category. I am happy even as I type with a fever.
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Basement Gallery
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Illustrators 54 Medal
The word on the street for awhile was that the Society of Illustrators NY was not keeping up. Kinda like the 19th century academy. The street is not saying that anymore or it's not paying attention. Still the gold standard for illustrators in my opinion because of the variety and quality. Proof? Well how else would something like this win a medal in the next annual, Illustrators 54. Anelle Miller, director of SI, called yesterday (I love that she calls all who got in) to inform me that I had been awarded Silver in the institutional category. This is my second medal with SI NY. Unbelievable. Of course it'll take another year to earn enough bribe money for the next one.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
I am working a some pretty intense paintings and when I do that I usually have a few drawings going at the same time to keep me sane. Here is one I just finished on some old photo mounting paper.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Painting Again
I never stopped painting really. Just all that other stuff getting in the way. So here is a very traditional, normal piece that you might see in Southwest Art Magazine or something. I'll get back the the strange stuff later.
"Rate of Travel"
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Final NY Adventure Pics
The final set of pictures in Bill and Dave's Excellent Adventure.

From r to l: Heidi Leigh, Bill Carman, Gorrn Bphlatzz

A kickass Martin Wittfooth show at Lyon's Weir. Coolest pic of the trip.

The ultra-cool Society of Illustrators.

Metaphorical only. Can't imagine setting this show up for Serra.

The last subway trip back to the hotel. I may have cried.

From r to l: Heidi Leigh, Bill Carman, Gorrn Bphlatzz

A kickass Martin Wittfooth show at Lyon's Weir. Coolest pic of the trip.

The ultra-cool Society of Illustrators.

Metaphorical only. Can't imagine setting this show up for Serra.

The last subway trip back to the hotel. I may have cried.

Friday, October 28, 2011
New York Adventure
Just the beginning of evidence from my New York adventure. There are many more photos from the opening at the Animazing Facebook page taken by my friend Dave.
A few blocks from the Empire State Building and didn't even know it.

Ahhh, red dots. Not sure what they mean but I think it's good.


Why I was standing like that?

People in NY were cool and had more money.

Beautiful couple and of course wonderful Heidi my host.

We were talking about tall athletes and I brought up Peter Crouch of Stoke. His girlfriend then related a wonderful answer from Peter Crouch (a bit homely by his own account) when asked what he would be if not a soccer player. His response: " A virgin." Love those who can laugh at life and themselves.

Aritst Bruce Jensen. Check out his work. Great guy great stuff.

Chris Buzelli whose work I've watched go from good to better to great and then, "Wish I'd done that." Dude, look how big my noggin is. Large brain pushed out all of the hair.
A few blocks from the Empire State Building and didn't even know it.

Ahhh, red dots. Not sure what they mean but I think it's good.


Why I was standing like that?

People in NY were cool and had more money.

Beautiful couple and of course wonderful Heidi my host.

We were talking about tall athletes and I brought up Peter Crouch of Stoke. His girlfriend then related a wonderful answer from Peter Crouch (a bit homely by his own account) when asked what he would be if not a soccer player. His response: " A virgin." Love those who can laugh at life and themselves.

Aritst Bruce Jensen. Check out his work. Great guy great stuff.

Chris Buzelli whose work I've watched go from good to better to great and then, "Wish I'd done that." Dude, look how big my noggin is. Large brain pushed out all of the hair.

Friday, October 21, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Batgirl et al
I really loved doing this painting. Sometimes just getting a word starts an avalanche of ideas. Thanks Gregg.
"Batgirl and Batsquid Ride Batpug with Batbat as Guide"
"Batgirl and Batsquid Ride Batpug with Batbat as Guide"

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Another image for the media blitz of my show. If any of you are in NYC the weekend of October 22nd, please stop by the opening and meet me. We'll talk art and life. I've attached a link for the RSVP. The President will stop by along with Brangelina . Well not really but my friend Dave will be there. A look at the work will be available opening day on the Animazing Gallery website.
But that's not all! If you order now you can read this interview done for Design Tonic Magazine online.
Interview for Design Tonic
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
I'm on Fire
I'm in the groove. The last lap before the show. Can't wait for NYC
acrylic on wood
"Made for Each Other"
acrylic on wood
"Made for Each Other"

Sunday, September 25, 2011
Something Different
Now that I think about it, I guess everything I do is something different. This is for a figurative show in Boston at The William Scott Gallery. Some heavy hitters in this show including Rick Berry who invited me.
"No Really, I am Vampire"
"No Really, I am Vampire"

Friday, September 23, 2011
Making Up
See how much I love you all. Making up for letting all that time pass I did two posts in one day. This is acrylic on paper, about 11x18 inches.
"A Careless Horning"
"A Careless Horning"

1000 Pardons
Been fishing and painting and crying. I swore I would never let this many days go by without a post and I have failed. the art police are on their way. I may never see you all again. Well, I've never actually seen most of you but unless there is a computer and art supplies in art prison you may never hear from me again.
This painting is almost done. Just a hint. A promise to a new friend in Boston.
This painting is almost done. Just a hint. A promise to a new friend in Boston.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
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