Just the beginning of evidence from my New York adventure. There are many more photos from the opening at the
Animazing Facebook page taken by my friend Dave.
A few blocks from the Empire State Building and didn't even know it.

Ahhh, red dots. Not sure what they mean but I think it's good.


Why I was standing like that?

People in NY were cool and had more money.

Beautiful couple and of course wonderful Heidi my host.

We were talking about tall athletes and I brought up Peter Crouch of Stoke. His girlfriend then related a wonderful answer from Peter Crouch (a bit homely by his own account) when asked what he would be if not a soccer player. His response: " A virgin." Love those who can laugh at life and themselves.

Bruce Jensen. Check out his work. Great guy great stuff.
Chris Buzelli whose work I've watched go from good to better to great and then, "Wish I'd done that." Dude, look how big my noggin is. Large brain pushed out all of the hair.