Friday, February 24, 2012

MESSin' a Lot

When life is kicking my ass I tend to do more of these. Yes my ass is being kicked so here are some more. Each took about 20 minutes.


Peet said...

I hope nothing shitty happens to you?!! I wish you really all the best. Peet

James Titus McKain said...

I dunno what's going on in your life Bill, but it's interesting how it is changing up your style. In your last batch of images I am seeing not only a style change but also a speed change. You are cranking these paintings out much quicker than you usually do. It's cool to see, but it's also very chaotic. Dare I say I want to see more?

James Titus McKain said...

Side note: It's interesting to see how your brush strokes change from your slower more thought out pieces to these faster more impressionistic pieces.

....that's really all I have been able to observe so far. Other than a more impressionistic use of paint.

Rod MacGregor said...

Amazing stuff for quick(or not)!